Monday 13 February 2017

Regina Bouef's Pizza Recipe - Belgium | The Network

At least the people of Belgium had the decency to come out and protest on the streets in their hundreds of thousands when it became obvious that the network was playing dirty. They removed a trusted prosecutor and placed a weak and incompetent man instead. They did the same thing in the UK by hiring three incompetent and compromised inquiry heads under the instruction of Theresa May.

The British didn't even come out to protest. They're too busy enjoying their pseudo lifestyles of empathy and consumer materialism to actually care that sexually abused children are the sina qua non of power on the planet.

Hong Kong Photographer - Fan Ho

Evening with Fan Ho from Themes + Projects by modernbook on Vimeo.

I'm incapable of looking at good Asia photography and not feeling nostalgic. I don't know why this is because I never lived here before the 90s and I don't get quite the same feeling when looking at similar occidental photography. Maybe I was here in a past life but anything Asia and even as near back as the 80's is fascinating for me to look at.

Sunday 12 February 2017

What Time of the Year Would Children Be Abducted Most?

The Data that answers this question is most troubling but also quite obvious for those who have studied Satanic Ritual Abuse. No I don't mean the cock twiddlers who think they know the subject is nonsense, I mean those who have researched it. Adults.